If your sewer line is clogged it means big trouble because the sewage from your home or business will eventually back-up into the structure through toilets or shower drains. This real life problem will literally ruin your home or business in several ways. On top of that obvious major dilemma, there’s the issue of the cost of fixing the sewer line.
Caitco Drainworks offers Nu Drain Sewer Line Replacement. Here’s how it works:
• Caitco Drainworks uses its sewer camera to view the sewer pipe line. It fines a root has penetrated the pipe.
• The pipe is then cleaned with a cutting tool
• A bladder liner is pulled into place and then it is inflated.
• After it cures the bladder is removed leaving behind a “pipe within a pipe”.
Save a ton of time, money and hassle with Nu Drain sewer line pipe lining!
Here’s are several reasons why Nu Drain works:
1. No Digging! – Pipe lining means your floors, yards, sidewalks, deck and driveway are left intact. Before Nu Drain every inch of ground from point where the sewer line was penetrated to the sewer tap would need to be torn up to install new sewer line. This is a very expensive job, normally running into several thousand dollars.
2. Nu Drain Certified Installer – Caitco Drainworks is a Nu Drain certified installer, which means we have the training and expertise to the job done right the first time.
3. Permanent Solution – Nu Drain’s solution creates a pipe inside a pipe. This means issues like root intrusion or hard scale build-up are a thing of the past.